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The Yoga 20/30 Wrap

And so we complete another Yoga 20/30 challenge. This year 160 Flow Athletes rolled out their mats at least 20 times each, well and truly saluted the last of the summer sun and dipped into various yogic philosophies that will not only enrich their practice on the mat but, and most importantly, off the mat. Because this is what we need in the world today. Now more than ever.

Thanks to all the Flow Yoga team who put on some cracking and inspiring events and a big shout out to all who showed up for them — especially the group who attending Two Good HQ with Jess to help pack goodies for mums experiencing domestic violence.

We finally have a winner for the challenge…and that is: Angela Cuccurullo! Ange wins a stay for her and a friend to the beautiful Billabong Retreat centre which is just a 45 minute drive from Sydney.

Angela Cuccurullo wins the Yoga 20/30 Challenge

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