Turia Pitt was.
In fact, she told herself she was smokin’.
She quips it’s a poor choice of words and laughs – and it’s this humour and booming self confidence which makes you fall in love with her. To a packed room of Flow athletes last night, Turia told of the day which changed her life forever – and the climb back up.
She describes the moment she tried to outrun a huge fire front which swept through an ultra marathon in the Kimberley in 2011. Then the look of horror on her team mate’s face when Turia emerged from the fire.
28 operations followed – but Turia Pitt’s beauty never changed.
Because she’s strong, wise, dynamic, self assured, funny and oozes self confidence – and the fire didn’t take that from her.
After she appeared on the cover of Australian Women’s Weekly recently, Turia says she received a flood of letters and emails from women – “I’ve always hated my thighs, I hate my nose, my bum is fat… but you make it seem like it doesn’t matter?”
Makes you think, huh?