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Flow Etiquette

Out of respect for your fellow Flow Athletes, we ask a few simple requests:

Text & Chat

No phones with you in class. Either leave them (switched off) in the pigeon holes in class or in your locker. If you have an ill child, please leave your phone at reception and we can get you if there is an emergency.

Cross Chat

Chatting in class can be a major distraction to both your instructor and the people around you.

Yoga Zen

When leaving a bike or TRX session, please be mindful of noise around the yoga room. If you love a chat, like us, grab a coconut and do it in the community area, making use of our free Wifi.

Prompt & Prime

To ensure you get the best workout possible and to save distraction of others, make sure you arrive to class a few minutes early to prepare.

Squeaky Clean

As much as we love online viagra to sweat next to each other, sharing sweat can be creepy. Please wipe down your bikes, TRX and Yoga mats after sessions.

Start your journey with Flow Athletic now